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Year 3/4 Meteorite Class

Welcome to Meteorite Class and the start of a new school year! 

Meet the team: 

Mrs K Gittins (Class Teacher)

Mrs Rowlands (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Joynes (1:1 Teaching Assistant)

Here you will find our newsletters, photos and any important information about our class. Please pop back here to see what we have been doing during the term and to find out what is coming up.

Important Class Information

PE Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays: Children need to come to school wearing their PE kit.

Reading Books: reading books will be changed on Tuesdays and Fridays. 

Homework: A homework grid will be added to the website and will be due in 


11th November Remembrance service 11am

29th November Christmas Fayre 5-7pm

6th December-Panto

11th December-Christmas dinner

18th December: Carol Concert 6pm

20th December- End of term 2pm


'Food, Glorious Food!' is our topic this term. This is an exciting topic looking at the differences in Iron Age, Roman and Egyptian farming in history. During science, children may get a little messy discovering how their digestive system works in a practical way as well as finding out about the different types of nutrition. Children will study the work of famous British artists John Constable and David Hockney, comparing their farming landscapes before creating their own landscape in art. Children will learn some culinary skills in Design and Technology to create a 'healthy dish.'


This term, we will be reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and using Roald Dahl's creative imagination to help write a setting description. The children will also be writing persuasive letters!


We will be continuing with addition and subtraction followed by multiplication and division, showing the formal methods of these operations. 

Reading: Please continue to listen to your child read daily, even for 10 minutes, and get your child to complete the reading task in the reading journal. Books should be changed regularly. Books are changed on Tuesdays and Fridays. 

Maths Passport: Regular practise of Maths Passport targets helps pupils to retain knowledge and helps them to utilise these facts in other mathematical learning. 

Times Tables: It is important all pupils are learning the timetables up to the 12 times table and know these by the end of year 4. 

Useful websites for times table practise:

Thank you for your continued support. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.