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Year 6 Asteroid class

Meet the team:

Mr N Rourke (Class Teacher)

Mrs Browning (Friday)

Mrs Van Jaarsveld (Teaching Assistant) 

Our Learning

This term:

During this term (Autumn 2), Year 6 will be covering lots of different areas of the curriculum. Our learning will all be based around our new topic "Up up and away".


In maths this term our main focus is addition and subtraction and multiplication and division. One day a week, the lesson focus will be on reasoning questions and mental arithmetic (10 in 10s).


In English, we will be recapping and practising previous skills, such as: compound sentences, ISPACE sentence starters, subordinating conjunctions and paragraphing.  We will explore these skills through a range of different text types, working towards writing our own biographies and looking at setting descriptions to build suspense and tension.

Important Class Information:

PE Days: Tuesdays and Fridays. Children need to come to school wearing their PE kit.

Key Dates:

Monday 4th November – School starts again

Monday 11th November- remembrance day 

W/C 18th November - Class heats for the oracy competition

Friday 29th November - FOBS Christmas Fair (please send in clean 1lbs jam jars with screw lids to KS1 class teachers by Wednesday 20th November)

Friday 6th December-panto

Wednesday 11th December-Christmas dinner 

Friday 13th December- Wunderstruck performance at the Cotswold school

Monday 16th December - Nativity Dress Rehearsal at 2pm in St. Lawrence's Church (KS1)

Tuesday 17th December - Nativity Performance at 2pm in St. Lawrence's Church (please do not arrive earlier than 1.45pm) (KS1)

Wednesday 18th December-Church performance (KS2)

Friday 20th December - Break up at 2pm